2️⃣Input deposit amounts

Then, input the amounts you want to deposit


To get deposits in quicker, auto-swap is turned off by default for JUP pools in the first 24 hours

However, if you still want turn on auto-swap, you may do so by clicking the toggle. Be mindful of your slippage settings then

How to Deposit while Auto-Swap is Turned Off

Ex. You want to deposit to a JUP-USDC liquidity pool

Scenario 1: You have JUP but do not have USDC

  1. While auto-swap is turned off, input the amount of JUP you want to deposit. You will see the amount of USDC required

  2. Go to jup.ag or any platforms where you can swap your other tokens to USDC first. If you don't have other tokens, buy USDC from fiat using other platforms first too!

  3. Go back to Hawksight with your required JUP and required USDC tokens ready

  4. Deposit

Scenario 2: You have JUP and USDC

  1. While auto-swap is turned off, just input the amount of JUP or USDC you want to deposit

  2. Deposit

Same thing goes when you want to deposit to a JUP-SOL liquidity pool. For further assistance, you may reach us in Discord

Last updated